Monday, December 8, 2008

my victim, slugs

I found a slug one week ago and I kept it as my pet. Then mum found me another one, so I have to 2 then. Nat was really excited with them cause he keep asking ‘can I see your slug?’ I even told Sha and TVK. I was pretty excited with my new pet too. The next day, I made them a nice comfy home with bricks and wood. It looks like a real tropical jungle. I feed them with veggies but few day later, they stopped eating. The next morning, I see 2 bodies. Sigh…. I think it’s me who killed them.

Vimal was asking me about my slug’s death but they weren’t dead at that time. He thought I killed them already, after a few days, and then only my sluggies die. I forgot to make them a funeral or I just don’t think they are big deal enough for me to make them a funeral. V was asking me about their funeral today, so I told him that I didn’t held any funeral cause I already flush them into the toilet bowl. So that makes the toilet bowl their grave…. And no one went to their funeral

Now I’m looking for my next pet…….


V!MaL said...

I'm so sorry i predicted their death. I'm a Grim Reaper in the making...

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!

emma Amarante said...

thanks.. who are you ?